Key Features:

Complete Web Development Framework

Telerik UI for PHP is a complete framework for building modern HTML5 web and mobile apps using PHP.

UI Widgets With PHP Server Wrappers

Telerik UI for PHP contains 70+ jQuery-based UI widgets for building sites and mobile apps with JavaScript and HTML5 and 40+ PHP server wrappers

Customize Themes

When the out-of-the-box themes are not enough, you can use the ThemeBuilder tool to quickly customize the base styles to perfectly match your site.

Rich Views and Models With MVVM

UI for PHP provides a high-performance Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework, which enables you to manage complex HTML and JavaScript UI with declarative bindings and two-way syncing between applications views and models.

Responsive UI for Modern Apps

Telerik UI for PHP delivers a complete, responsive experience and brings you the features you need to deliver “responsive UI for modern apps.”

Great UX Across Devices and Browsers

Telerik UI for PHP uses a mix of techniques to enable some HTML5 features in older browsers, and fine-tuned graceful degradation for others.

Unmatched PHP Performance

Every aspect of Telerik UI for PHP has been built from the ground-up to deliver maximum performance.

Server- and Client-Side APIs

Telerik UI for PHP gives you complete control over the Web and DataViz widgets via complete server-side APIs.

Pixel-Perfect Themes for Your PHP Apps

Telerik UI for PHP widgets support themes and styling, via CSS. The framework includes 11 out-of-the-box themes: Black, Blue Opal, Default, Metro, Metro Black, Silver, Bootstrap, Uniform, High Contrast, Moonlight and Flat UI.


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