Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner v12.0.181218140 + Crack


Audit Your Web Security with Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner

With the uptake of cloud computing and advancements in browser technology, web applications have become a core component of business processes, and a lucrative target for hackers. Organizations must make web application security not only a priority, but a fundamental requirement. Enter Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner!

A Firewall is not enough

Firewalls, SSL and hardened networks are futile against web application hacking. Web attacks are carried out over HTTP and HTTPS; the same protocols that are used to deliver content to legitimate users. Web applications are often tailor-made and tested less than off-the-shelf-software; the repercussions of a web attack are often worse than traditional network-based attacks.

  • Detects over 4500 web application vulnerabilities.
  • Scan open-source software and custom-built applications.
  • Detects Critical Vulnerabilities with 100% Accuracy.

Technology Leader in Automated Web Application Security

Acunetix are the pioneers in automated web application security testing with innovative technologies including:

  • DeepScan Technology – for crawling of AJAX-heavy client-side Single Page Applications (SPAs).
  • Industry’s most advanced SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting testing – includes advanced detection of DOM-based XSS.
  • AcuSensor Technology – Combines black box scanning techniques with feedback from its sensors placed inside source code.

Fast, Accurate, Easy to Use

Multi-threaded, lightning fast crawler and scanner that can crawl hundreds of thousands of pages without interruptions.

  • Highest detection of WordPress vulnerabilities – scans WordPress installations for over 1200 known vulnerabilities in WordPress’ core, themes and plugins.
  • An easy to use Login Sequence Recorder that allows the automatic scanning of complex password protected areas.
  • Review vulnerability data with built-in vulnerability management. Easily generate a wide variety of technical and compliance reports.


Installation/Activation Instruction is Included in the folder!

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Size: 74.8MB


One Comment

  1. 2222 September 16, 2020 Reply

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